Climate change is an opportunity to dream up a radically better future.
Join a discussion on envisioning a sustainable society with activists, students, educators, innovators, concerned citizens, and grassroots organizations.
Author of Bright Green Future, Trevor Decker Cohen organizes thought-provoking events centered on the types of thinking that can help us move towards an economy rooted in regeneration and community.
Participants get to share their insights and visions, while learning design principles and real initiatives that are transforming our society from the bottom-up.
Recent Events
Check out recordings of our most recent discussions that highlight our collective creativity in the face of the climate crisis.
We collaborate with chapters of Sierra Club, Sunrise, and Citizens’ Climate Lobby, as well as local environmental organization at the forefront of creating a sustainable future in their communities.
We’re planning dozens of new events for spring and summer 2022!
Want us to host an event for your region or organization? Drop us a line: envision@brightgreenfuture.com
About the organizer
Trevor Decker Cohen is an environmental author and educator who travels the country to chronicle hope at the edge of the climate crisis.
His book, Bright Green Future brings together inspiring true stories of innovators and activists who are kickstarting a renaissance to empower people and planet.
Readers will learn what symbiotic relationships can teach us about switching to renewables, how ecosystems can guide the next industrial revolution, and how the hidden genius of rainforests and prairies can help us grow food in a warming world.
Other collaborations
There are many ways to partner with us at Bright Green Future.
Book clubs: Host BGF at your book club. Get a free Q&A with the author and 15% off signed copies.
Speaking engagements: Book Trevor for a talk at your organization, conference, or event.
Projects: Pitch us a collaborative project on envisioning a better future for people and planet!
Get in touch: trevor@brightgreenfuture.com